from the box

Thanks for all the fish

Friday, February 10, 2006

Here's a clever topic for a doctoral dissertation or at least an academic article: "The Recurrent Doctrinal Hitlerization and Rhetorical Nazification of Everybody the American Empire Hates."

It's quite recurrently evident and absurdly predictable in post-WWII U.S. propaganda. Get on Uncle Sam's wrong side by following an independent path and perhaps even advocating social justice (or whatever else might piss off the empire) within and/or between states and sooner or later one or two or more of his chieftians and propagandists will liken you to Adolph Hitler and your movement or party (or whatever) to the Nazis. The Soviet Union in the Cold War period was commonly analogized to Nazi Germany by the architects of U.S. policy and opinion, no matter the 25 million lives Russia lost in defeating the Third Reich. Stalin (who was bad enough just as Stalin) was Hitler. So was Mao Tse Tung (bad enough as Mao), head of a supposedly new Nazi regime in avoweldy Communist China. The North Koreans were and are Nazis, we are supposed to believe. Same for a Hitler-ized Ho Chi Mihn and the great Vietnamese freedom and independence struggle of the 1950s and 60s. Fidel and Che and Allende were little Latin Hitlers as far as past and current State Departments and White Houses were and are concerned.

Other officially U.S-designated mini-Hitlers and Nazis in my lifetime at least include Ayatollah Khomeni, Quadaffi (sp), the arch sinister American product Manuel Noriega, Daniel Ortega, and of course Saddam Hussein, head of the most immediately targeted state in Bush II's famous "Axis of Evil" (a slightly veiled anaology to the triple fascist alliance of Germany, Japan, and Italy). If Iran's current holocuast-denying president (another despicable man) hasn't yet been officially anologized to AH, that's just an oversight and a matter of time.

terrible Hugo Chavez, who dares (a) to engage his nation's poor in the political procees; (b) to repudiate U.S.-imposed corporate-economic terrorism (neoliberalism) on Latin American; (c) to work with other regional and world states and leaders (e.g. Fidel, Evo Morales, and othersa) in advancing global equity and independence from Yankee-imperial domination (in both its economic-neoliberal and its related military/territorial-neoconservative guises), to, well, of couse, I mean, who else but....yes, you guessed it...what else Hitler.


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