The Two of Us

Twenty years and more we worked together, twenty years of following the Union struggle that's worth twenty books although more of the struggle was internal factional fighting than out on the streets. Mind you, when we hit the streets we hit them hard, just ask Denis about the police horses * ~ but that's a story for another day.
Then there was our long sentence on the Management of 3CR with Denis as the Chairperson of Radio 3CR and myself as Secretary of Community Radio Federation... and heaven knows how many hundreds of thousands of hours on air together.
*Police horses you ask? I merely have a stuffed hip and shortened leg, an honourable war wound aquired from the well-shod hooves of a police horse valiantly defending Marshall Ky, Warlord of Vietnam while he was visiting the nightlife in Melbourne many years back.
At the Leighton's Picket, the trauma to Denis was almost terminal, it was touch and go there for a while. It was a deliberate unprovoked attack aimed at John Cummins. It got Denis instead, smearing him along a brick wall. Denis recovered. The horse is dead.
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