from the box

Thanks for all the fish

Friday, February 10, 2006

MMIGRATION Department errors have led to the wrongful deportation of many Australian residents with criminal records, the Commonwealth Ombudsman has found.

In a critical report, Professor John McMillan yesterday accused the department of not giving enough consideration to the effects of deporting people who had lived in Australia since childhood.

In most cases he examined, the department supplied Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone with at least one major error per case.

Professor McMillan has made nine recommendations to the Department, including guidelines to ensure information provided to the minister is current and accurate.

Senator Vanstone said she would consider the recommendations, but added that it was important the Government retain the power to deport people with criminal records who were not Australian citizens

Meanwhile, she has refused to give details of a wrongfully detained mentally ill person in a case apparently similar to that of Cornelia Rau.

Ms Rau,


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