Don't dismiss televangelist Pat
Robertson's gleeful declaration that Ariel Sharon's stroke was divine retribution for "dividing God's land" as a kooky outburst. This is no lunatic inbred fringe
For starters, Robertson is no fringe dweller. On the contrary: his daily show The 700 Club outrates network-affiliated stations CNBC and MSNBC in prime time. Republican heavyweights - Bill Frist, Rick Santorum, Tom DeLay - are regular guests.
Robertson and his fellow travellers in the religious right, including Focus on the Family's James Dobson and Moral Majority founder Jerry Falwell, believe in a God who actively intervenes on earth to punish 'sinners'.
These are the men who state that
* New Orleaners' tolerance for homosexuality during Mardi Gras "caused" Hurricane Katrina
* pro-choice feminists were "responsible" for September 11
* the rich flourish because they are righteous and don't you dare take away their tax cuts.
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