from the box

Thanks for all the fish

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

How to terminate a cane toad
After a pleasant read of my tenant's resources in the Pond Perspective (there are some great little quizzes in there) I thought I should impart a very important piece of information, handy for travellers, so keep it in mind for next time you stroll outside for a spot of Nature and spot a whacking great cane toad staring at you.

Humane Termination; Along the lines of a crayfish dinner, it's humane to kill a Cane Toad by lowering its body temperature. Place the Cane Toad in a sealed plastic bag and cool it in a refrigerator at 4°C for half an hour, then transfer the bag to a freezer. When it's a frozen chunk, and very dead, tie the bag securely, wrap in a couple of layers of old newspaper and conceal it in your rubbish tin. The garbage collectors will never know.


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