from the box

Thanks for all the fish

Friday, March 17, 2006

Lá Fhéile Pádraig

Irish: Lá Fhéile Pádraig or Lá 'le Pádraig
Pronunciation: law ay-leh paw-rig or law leh paw-rig

: Naomh Pádraig

Word: March
Irish: Márta
Pronunciation: mawr-thah

Word: 17th
Irish: an seachtú lá déag
Pronunciation: on shokh-thoo law djayg

Word: Shamrock
Irish: Seamróg
Pronunciation: sham-rohg

Phrase: Happy St. Patrick's Day (to you singular/plural)
Irish: Lá Fhéile Pádraig Shona dhuit/dhaoibh or Lá le Pádraig dhuit/dhaoibh
Pronunciation: law ay-leh paw-drig hun-ah gwitch/yeeve or law leh paw-dhrig hun-ah gwitch/yeeve

Phrase: Are you going to the parade?
Irish: A' mbeidh tú ag an bpáraid?
Pronunciation: ah my thoo egg on bah-raw-idh?

Phrase: I will be marching in the parade
Irish: Beidh mé ag máirseáil sa pharáid
Pronunciation: bye may egg mawr-shaw-il sa fah-raw-idh

Phrase: I hope the weather will be fair (for us)
Irish: Ta súil agam go mbeidh aimsear soinneann againn
Pronunciation: thaw soo-il ah-gum guh my am-shir sun-inn ah-ginn


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