Control, and the world, has lost its champion in the battle with the evil cabal Kaos. Who will keep up the struggle and continua the lucha for world domination now that Agent 86 is no more?
Vale Maxwell Smart. And Vale Don Adams. I never thought much about the actor, he was always the bumbling secret agent to me, and I only found out when he died that his name was Yarmy. When he married Adelaide Adams, he changed his name so that he woulfn't be last in auditions.
Some of Smart's lines have become catchphrases
"Would you believe? ..............."
"Let me handle it, 99."
"Sorry about that, Chief"

His best was rarely good enough. Smart called into work with a dial phone on the sole of his shoe, and often got a wrong number. He wore jet shoes that shot him up, often into the roof. He was so security-minded that he would often swallow secret messages before reading them.
You couldn't help but like him

Over at wouldyoubelieve.com you can get Max in print -- in a comic book!
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