from the box

Thanks for all the fish

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Watch out for Runaway Ships ! Egon Selestrin settled down to watch an action movie, but couldn't believe his eyes when a 200-foot runaway ship ploughed into the front of his house and through the wall.

The Dino was coming in to dock at the fishing village of Kukljica, on the Adriatic island of Ugljan, when the captain mistakenly put the ship into full speed ahead instead of slowing it down. It crashed through the port, the beach and into the front of the Selestrin house.

Selestrin didn't waste any time running out of the living room just before the house collapsed. "I was in the front room and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the wall collapse and a ship's prow come bursting through."

I'd be surprised too


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